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Robyn Staveley

“Neuropedagogy & the Orff-Schulwerk”

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See you at the workshop!


Robyn Staveley is a senior lecturer in the School of Teacher Education at UTS (University of Technology Sydney) where she teaches Music, Movement and Dance Education and Educational Psychology. She taught in both elementary and secondary schools, is well-known throughout Australia and internationally as a presenter of teacher education courses (levels) and workshops, and has written many educational resources and materials.


Robyn is a past president of her state Orff Schulwerk organization, and in 2018, was the recipient of the ANCOS (Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk) Award of Honour, for outstanding service and commitment to music and movement education. Currently, Robyn is completing a PhD on the impact of cognitive neuroscience on music pedagogy, and runs a course in Neuropedagogy in Music.



Through a series of active music workshops, participants will experience moving, singing, vocalizing, playing, improvising and composing, engaging with their own and a wide range of repertoire. Each session will focus on specific aspects of cognitive neuroscience, and at the end of each day, a session will be dedicated to learning about this exciting young science of learning. Topics will include Embodied Cognition, basic brain neuroanatomy, Sensorimotor and Multimodal Integration, Neuroplasticity, Mirror System, Affordances and Extended Cognition. These will all be related to what happened in each session. 

Day 1
Session 1: Movement shapes cognition – let’s dance!
Session 2: Fascination with sound – how the brain integrates the action and the sound of instruments
Session 3: Speech for rhythm, tone colour, place and description – the power of language
Plenary: Cognitive Neuroscience and music pedagogy


Day 2
Session 1: Vocalising orchestrations
Session 2: Chair and Stick music
Session 3: Musical Formulas – the brain loves to analyse patterns
Plenary: Cognitive Neuroscience and music pedagogy



12 & 13 May 2018
9.30am – 4.30pm
National Institute of Education



The cost for the 2-day workshop is SGD300 and places are limited!

Tea-breaks will be provided. Every participant receives a Certificate of Participation upon successful completion of the workshop.


Registration closes 8 May 2018!

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